We love what we do.

We are  grateful for the lives we live here in Vermont. That gratitude and pleasure is part of every pen that goes out the door. We are a hands-on small business. Each phone call is answered by someone who knows, cares and depends on what we do. We directly benefit from every satisfied customer and many have become fast friends over the years. Leave us a message story or comment. We'd love to see a post on Instagram with #WPtravels.

Tom O’Brien, the founder of the Wallet Pen

We are part of a hardworking community.

The heavy tools are located 1/2 mile away from home on Ferry Road. We share space with a number of wonderful neighbors: The Charlotte News, our local source of neighborly news; Eating Well Magazine, where a recipe a week makes it to our table; a wind power developer who tells us to turn down the music; and Country Home Products, their tools till our gardens. The hallways are fluid. Dogs, hard work, and casual cheer lighten our days — we are truly blessed. Come by and say hi to Mae the dog.

brooklyn bridge

Happy customers are our foundation.

It is a real pleasure to bump into a customer and have them proudly display one of our pens for show & tell.  Ooohs and ah's evolve to more important conversation. Start it up with a Wallet Pen!

Friends, phone, kids, lunch. There are days when pens take over the realm; — but with balance — someone does has to shovel the snow from time to time.

young person enjoying playground